Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Days 9 & 10 - Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut

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Today's menu:
  • Whole-wheat toast with peanut butter and banana slices
  • Sushi (veggie and fish only, no cream cheese or other fun ingredients, and no soy sauce)
  • Carrots and hummus
  • Thai beef salad
Tuesday we allowed ourselves to have peanuts again, which was not altogether exciting. Neither of us has a peanut allergy, but we also don't eat them as much as we eat, say, wheat or dairy. So it wasn't that big of a deal. We did incorporate peanuts into two meals though, just because we could.

Wednesday we ate almost the exact same thing as Tuesday (substituting leftover pasta from Monday instead of sushi for lunch). We were going to reintroduce eggs on Wednesday, but we were just too tired to cook anything. So we didn't.

However, there is nothing better left over than this Thai beef salad. It was amazing the first night we had it, and equally amazing the second. Plus, as a leftover, it was much faster to prepare! Our only complaint about this dish was how long it took us to make it. The prep work is almost all active: chopping, measuring, mixing, etc. Which means we couldn't just set one thing to cook and prep other things in the meantime. But the effort was totally worth it. This dish was truly fantastic.

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