Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 3 - Lots of Cold Foods

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Today's menu:
Three's a charm. This was the easiest day yet, except that I felt super hungry all day. It seemed like all I did was eat (small servings, but still). Matt also found that he had a lot more energy today than usual. Maybe there's something to this detox diet after all!

The highlight of today's dishes was the cashew cream smoothie. It is basically just cashews (ok, plus a little vanilla, ice, and agave nectar) but to our dairy-starved taste buds it was almost like eating ice cream! It helped that we poured them into cute glasses and ate/drank them while watching our restricted 30 minutes of TV....oh yes, a "media fast" is part of this 28-day challenge too.

In any case, I'm thrilled to have this new healthy, vegan ice cream substitute recipe for future use.

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