Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday Dinner - Pizza, Pizza!

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Tonight's menu:
Our diet has been seriously lacking in green veggies lately, so this recipe Matt found on was exactly what we needed. Plus we had a bunch of arugula that needed to be used up. We knew it would be infinitely better with fresh, homemade pizza dough, so Matt found a recipe for that as well on

We followed the pizza dough instructions up until the putting-the-toppings-on step. Then we switched back over to the green pizza recipe, which called for baking the dough first and then putting toppings on. Since we had so much dough, we decided to make two pizzas. They were identical except that we put some leftover marinara sauce on one (another thing we had hanging around the fridge waiting to get used up).

Both pizzas were amazing. Crispy crust, melty cheese, great flavor (mostly thanks to the copious amounts of pesto we slathered onto the dough). But most importantly, they didn't leave us with that heavy, greasy feeling we get from eating takeout pizza. This tasted light, fresh and healthy. Which it was!

One note: this was not a quick dinner. Making the dough meant we had to let it rise for almost 2 hours, so I wouldn't recommend this if you're in a hurry. On the other hand, there isn't too much actual work involved, just time...might be a great dinner for a night when you have a lot of stuff to do around the house.

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