Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday Dinner - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Tonight's menu:
Ok, so there's really nothing Irish about the dinner we had today...but there is a big spot of bright green on the plate! I had forgotten how much I like green peas. They're not something I ate much of growing up. We had them at Thanksgiving and Christmas and that was about it. I don't know why, but as a result they always seemed like holiday-only food to me. So I'm happy to have rediscovered them as an adult. They are just satisfying, especially with heaps of butter melted into them.

The real highlight of tonight's dinner, though, was this pasta dish from It has
three different kinds of lettuce and is so full of healthiness it doesn't seem like it should taste good. Sundried tomatoes, garlic, endive, radicchio, arugula, basil, and chicken all went into this colorful, tasty mixture. We used leftover chicken from our Sunday roast (yes, we roasted another chicken this past Sunday. I failed to post on it because it was exactly the same as the one we did last week). Using leftover chicken made the meal a little cheaper and easier to cook, and not having to deal with raw chicken is always a bonus. This would also be a great vegetarian dish if the chicken were replaced with garbanzo beans, tofu, or just omitted altogether.

My only complaint about this dish was that we didn't add enough Parmesan. We got a nice block of good, aged Parmesan cheese (no tasteless crap in a green can here) and shredded it just before serving and it was amazing. There is no substitute for freshly shredded Parmesan. But the point is that next time we make this dish, I will be added a giant heap of Parmesan to it instead of the little spoonful I sprinkled on top. It's just too good!

Additional note - The leftovers of the pasta dish make an excellent cold pasta salad for lunch the next day. Double win!

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