Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday Dinner - Tart of Gold

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Tonight's menu:
I cooked dinner by myself tonight because Matt was working most of the evening. This was our weekly vegetarian night...I try to make sure we eat a vegetarian dinner at least once a week, for various reasons ranging from eco-friendliness to cost. Honestly, a lot of the values behind vegetarian/veganism are ones I agree with, I just can't hack it without meat all the time. But I figure eating vegetarian some of the time is better than none of the time!

So, we had planned to have this dish tonight, which turned out to be convenient since it was super easy to make without a cooking partner. Although I didn't remember this when we planned the menu, apparently the recipe was posted several years ago as a Valentine's day, good timing! It's called Venus' tart because it contains two supposed aphrodisiacs: eggs and onions. Why anyone would consider onions an aphrodisiac, I do not know. The breath factor isn't quite as bad as garlic, but it's still not my idea of a romance-inspiring food.

In any case, the dish was fantastic. Three kinds of onion flavor (including leeks, which I love), goat cheese, and tomato. Yum! And the added bonus of using almost no oil made it an extra-healthy dinner. We will definitely be making this one again.

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