This week we got to try out a new food for breakfast: a goose egg. My coworker, Richard, gave us this egg from one of his geese. Richard is a huge cooking inspiration for me, since he grows or raises most of his own food and cooks everything from scratch. Someday, when our living situation is a little more permanent, I hope to become more self-sufficient in the food arena. But in the meantime I'm dependent on Richard and the local farmers to keep my diet interesting.
Goose eggs are about three times the size of chicken eggs. Here you can see it next to a typical large brown egg. Not a jumbo, just your regular old chicken egg. It looks so wimpy compared to the goose egg!

Thank you Richard for giving us this egg. You made our weekend!

This one time my sister tried to make me and Brandon eat duck eggs without telling us they were duck eggs... yeah, nasty to the max so I'm kindda scared to try goose eggs....