Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daily Dinner - Asian-Inspired Take on a Classic

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Tonight's menu:
It drives me crazy when recipes give a "total time" of, say, 30 minutes but then half the ingredients listed need some kind of preparation (chopping, slicing, peeling, etc.) that isn't included in the given time. So a dish that is supposed to take 30 minutes to make ends up taking 45. This was one of those dishes, but fortunately with two of us cooking we can split up the tasks and it goes much faster. We got this one finished about 40 minutes from the time we walked in the door. Not bad, and certainly a manageable amount of time for a weeknight dinner.

The recipe itself was pretty good, but the sauce was a little sweet for my taste. We added some garlic to the steak, because we are of the opinion that garlic makes everything better. And it did.

Also, these instructions from Steve Pavlina's blog are our favorite method for cooking brown rice. It comes out perfect every time!


  1. I had fast food! Your dinner was probably better.

  2. What's on the plate in your header, by the way? Looks yummy.

  3. Salmon with some kind of white wine-lemon cream sauce, sauteed squash, steamed broccoli, and tomato slices. Those are three of my favorite vegetable side dishes!

  4. Yes! I can eat tomato slices by the plateful.

  5. Stumble upon discovered! Get ready for the traffic Melon. :-)

  6. Sounds delicious guys! :) What's for dinner this week?
