Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday Farmer's Market - Delightful Dessert

Today was the season opening of our town farmer's market, so of course Matt and I had to go see what was available! Plenty, as it turned out, but we restrained ourselves to only buying these few "necessities"...and a block of cheese.

In addition to the edibles, we also purchased an investment item: this lovely tomato plant!

Our gardening skills are admittedly limited, but we were told this reliable Jet Star variety would be easy to manage. And what could be better than eating our own home-grown tomatoes later this summer? More posts on that adventure to come.

In the meantime, we arrived home with our bounty and promptly got to work cooking. Rather than labor over an intensive dinner, we ate leftovers so we could focus on the most important meal of the day. Dessert. Starring...rhubarb!

I have never cooked rhubarb before in my life, but I've eaten it and I know I love it. So when I saw this bundle I couldn't resist picking it up. I was also recently inspired by this post on Simply Breakfast and really wanted to try some kind of fruity tart-like thing.

This was the result. I followed this Smitten Kitchen recipe for rustic rhubarb tarts, and it was great. Crispy, super tangy, just slightly sweet, and delicious with a little Breyer's vanilla ice cream. Side note - Breyer's has been my favorite kind of ice cream for as long as I can remember. Why, aside from the taste? The ingredient list: milk, cream, sugar, vanilla. No artificial crap!

I was happy to discover that rhubarb is not at all hard to cook. And these made-from-scratch tarts were so good, I'm just sad it's the end of rhubarb season. But there will be much more farmer's market enjoyment over the next few months. I can't wait!